To ένστικτο της αντίληψης του συναισθήματος..είναι πιθανό!?
Realizing it possible!?
οr it has just to do με την αναπαραγωγή και την επιβίωση?..δεν είναι όμως λίγο μονότονο και πεζό!!!
I hate the idea of not feeling energies..of not being able to see and live all the magic that life has..well excuse my english..they are not perfect..i m not perfect as well..i need to see beyond the facts that this fucking system has created only based on reallity realize feelings!!μπορει απλά το βλέμμα να προδώσει τον άνθρωπο?έστω να σου τον αποκαλύψει?or you just see yourshelf through others people eyes?is what we need or what we want?..well i really believe in energies..everything has to do with them..for me at least..knowing what you need but always prefer and send possibilities into universe of what you want..setting them free and letting them do their circle..never wait for them to come back..just forget never know..maybe they will return maybe they will be lost in least you will have set them free from your heart and will have reach the freedom that i, at least, prefer...the sweet cospirancy of me..feeling sweetnes in my heart, loving my mind..respect it..take care of it..of course the most important of all is health...after this there is nothing...i hate of feeling sorry for people..of people feeling sorry for me..dignity..hard but true..αξιοπρέπεια...με ποιά έννοια όμως!!?τη συμβατική και συντηρητική ή αυτήν στην οποία δε νιώθουμε ενοχές?κάθε ανθρωπος είναι διαφορετικός..οπότε κατά τη γνώμη μου δεν υπάρχει μία έννοια αξιοπρέπειας ούτε καν αλήθειας!!προσωπικά τα όρια των άκρων μου είναι οι επιλογές μου..αυτές που δε μου δημιουργούν ενοχές..το χει πει και ο paulo coelho..όλα είναι θέμα ελέγχου κι επιλογών..με έχει ακολουθήσει χρόνια αυτή η ρήση...όσο αποφεύγεις τις ενοχές σου τόσο πιο καθαρή συνείδηση έχεις..αν και για να φτάσεις στο σημείο αυτό των επιλογών θα πρεπει πρωτα να φας και τα μούτρα σου..δεν είναι κακό..απλά μετά από κάποιο σημείο καταντάει τουλάχιστον ψυχοφθόρο..εκτός και αν είσαι αναίσθητος..οπότε απλά κάποια στιγμή μένεις μόνος...ΜΟΝΑΞΙΑ...loneliness..if we make a game with this word in greek we can say...η αξία του να είσαι μόνος..something like the value of being alone..i m still fighting with!..loving ourselves, loving our peace in mind and heart..our daily routin..alone..we are all alone..:)it s not just needs in in anything that makes you strong..even if for most people this is god...i think usually faith is something that has to do more of what you need and less of what you want...well big words from a small mouth..i dont really know..i want equal love i need to fall in love..hahaha..i want to travel i need to work...fuck..we have created humanity wrong..we should have been zorba-budas as osho very wishly advised..and not so much complicated...roots...
our broken wings have been stolen by love
taken and hidden from us
can you feel their roots!?
our broken wings have been stolen by love
taken and hidden from us
can you feel their roots!? is all we need..the beatles said..well we have to start hearing a bit more legends΄music...all you need is love:)))lalalala:)all you need is love:) soon:)..kiss;)
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