I fear nothing!
I hope nothing!
I belong nowhere
I am free
is it possible!?
Ποιά είναι τελικά η έννοια της ελευθερίας?και στην τελική πόσες ελευθερίες υπάρχουν?πέρα από αυτήν την καθαρά κοινωνική..σε ατομικό επίπεδο πόσες ελευθερίες μπορούμε προσδιορίσουμε?as it has to do with me there is η ψυχική η πνευματική η νοητική η σωματική η συναισθηματική ελευθερία...και νομίζω μπορούμε να καταμετρίσουμε άπειρες ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες του καθενός...i m listening to tsf radio of paris now and i cant think very clear..music always was traveling my mind and released my heart from fear..even love to dance..music is freedom..for me at least..sometimes i wish i was a dancer..dreams!!but after the black swan movie i realized that it was for the best that i never became one..haha:)there is no feelings now to set my thoughts out free and write them down..maybe because i have to go in a while..waxing!..haha..or because the music i m listening now is beautiful..jazz!..i love jazz..sometimes i think that universe itshelf wispers jazz to earth through air..in which frequency does your mind transmit?..i fear nothing!..is it possible?well we all going to die eventualy so what!?..we will have fears for ever?..yes:)..haha..but as wise people have advised through ages..only love can release our heart from fear..loving and trusting ourselves..i fear nothing..i love my every day life i love myshelf..i hope for nothing..i dont programme..not even the next moment....try it..it needs practice..when you dont programme of the next moment you are getting out of hopes..the best feeling..i hate hopes...they only cause problems..they only lead you to desperation..expectations..i hate them..let it flow..if you think possitive you will get possitiveness..if you think negative you will get negativeness..an ex boss told me that..a crazy australian boss..well i have to go...we dont live at the forest...well not me...i hate appoitments..especially when i dont want to get out of home..well...bye
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